Sunday, 4 November 2012

Behavior and thoughts

Behavior and thoughts

The adaptation of a certain set of thinking, which translates to actions, is behavior. So, behavior is dependent on thinking. Although in a long run the adaptive behavior may function independently without thinking. For a conscious mind and in wakefulness state thinking plays an integral part of a certain behavior. However during sleep, there is minimal communications between thinking and behavior. Behavior is a complex interplay of an individual with his inherent qualities, character, personality, upbringing, and social with educational exposure. Certain socially acceptable behavior in one culture may contradict with another. Why behavior is placed such a great importance in modern society?

            Behavior is so important that one classifies another as unacceptable or intolerable if that particular behavior does not suits them or the culture they belong. This creates a conflict in humans to follow the set of behaviors that is socially acceptable. Why we need to remain bonded with the rules set by another humans with antagonizes our thinking. But our thinking itself is bounded by a set of rules imposed by us on our mind.  So, the key question is how to break from the chain of bondage of thoughts and the resultant behavior.

            First we need to analyze where the thought process arises. Despite of modern medicine and new imaging technology, scientist or neurologist still fails to answer the question of origin of thoughts. Which part of the brain is responsible for generating thoughts? How to control the thought process still remains a mystery to doctors. Our ancestors have answered these questions long time ago. It’s our ignorance that hindering us to rediscover it.

            Do we realize at the first place how many numbers of thoughts are running in our mind at a certain time? Do you even realize how many thoughts are running while reading this piece of article? Often, we ignore these questions, as it does not bother us in our daily life. We are complacent as long as we wake up in the morning; satisfy the bodily function and the society or family needs. Have we ever wondered why we are born at the first place? How many of us even think of the significance of our birth. Without answering all these questions how can we call ourselves professionals, PHD holders, graduates, intellectuals or educated ones? Surely life is more than just the cycle of birth and death. Surely life is more than just satisfying the bodily needs. Surely life is more than fulfilling our desires. Surely life is more than procreating. Surely life more than owns a number of properties and gaining more power. Surely life has much more to offer than all these mundane desires.
            Lets stop digressing and focus on the topic of thoughts. So what are thoughts? Is it something that runs in our mind? Is it the constant buzzing in the brain than needed for us to function or to complete a task? How is it possible to have no thoughts and function? It’s like living without thinking or living without a brain. Is it possible to live without thoughts or rather even thinking? Animals do that or we presumed they do that. But we are not animals. We are humans. We are created to think and to use our brain. We are the one gifted with that extra sense among all creatures. So what’s wrong in using that extra sense and live.
            The thoughts are generated in the brain following the external input in which brain receives through all the five senses. The thoughts are the past memories that imprinted or stored in the brain in our lifetime. The thoughts are the emotions. The thoughts are the whole of thinking process. The thoughts are the very complex mechanism in which we interact with ourselves and with others. The thoughts are needed before we could even speak. We speak what comes in our mind. The thoughts process is also responsible for all our conscious action. Any action that we perform consciously needs thoughts to modulate the actions. How about the actions we perform without we are fully conscious, for an example when we are sleeping, when are under the influence of drugs. Are thoughts still present or absent during that so-called unconscious act. The thought are still there during that state of unconsciousness. It’s our brain that is not capable to bring the thoughts to our conscious state. Subconsciously the thoughts are always there. So we can argue that the thought process is so fundamental in our lives yet we don’t fully understand its mechanism.

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