Past few years or so now I have been experiencing a sense of
‘feeling’ that I have not encounter before. I have a very hard time to figure it out what it was
initially. It is not described in any medical books as well. Being a doctor, I
would say I was and I am being exposed sufficiently to medical fraternity books/
journals and medical publications to read about it. However the medical or
scientific knowledge never mention the ‘feeling’ that I have been
experiencing. I am having some
difficulty to even describe the ‘feeling’. This is particularly due to lack of
proper word in any one of known languages to me. As this writing is in English,
I have to choose the closest word to describe my ‘feeling’. The ‘feeling’ as I
have mentioned feels like a subtle ‘electromagnetic field’ around me. It feels like if you having 2 pieces of
magnet and the feeling you get at any attempt of bringing the opposite poles
together. It is a sense of
resistance you get when the opposite poles of magnet brought closer to the
other one. Similarly, I have a kind of similar feeling whenever another human
being come closer to me. The ‘field’ gets stronger in relation to a shorter
distance between the approaching person and me. I am not very sure exactly when
and how it happened but it happened very gradually. Probably I have been
experiencing for past 4-5 years now.
particular ‘electromagnetic field’ that I have been describing consist of 2
major patterns. The first pattern is a feeling that could ‘agree’ with my own
field. The 2nd pattern is another form of field that could not
‘agree’ or ‘tally’ with my own field. Again I could not come out with a proper
term to use to describe the sense of ‘agree’ or ‘tally’ with my energy
field. In a simple word, I am
using the word ‘agree’ if the other people’s energy suits me and do not disturb
my own field of energy. Please note that I am using the word energy and
electromagnetic field interchangeably and it means the same in this context. If
the energy field of others ‘agrees’ with me, I won’t have any untoward feeling
later on. However in other
circumstances in which if I am being exposed to the energy field which does not
‘agree’ with me, it will affect me tremendously. I will have a very subtle,
fine feeling of pricking around my body particularly over the occipital
(posterior) part of the brain/head and along the spine whenever I am being
exposed to other people’s energy that could not ‘agree’ with mine. I will
‘suffer’ for few hours and sometimes days to get rid of this feeling and to
restore back my own field.
a doctor, I have to come into contact with patients on daily basis. In those circumstances, I realized a
sense of ‘feeling’ with different patients. The sense of ‘feeling’ is
particularly strong whenever I touch the patients to examine them. It does not happen with all the patients
though. Some patients with chronic conditions have so much of impact on my
‘energy field’. This is particularly whenever I see patients with severe
debilitating illness and psychiatric conditions. Later, I started to sense the similar ‘feeling’ around my
friends and human beings that has blood relation with me.
Currently my travelling to work requires
me to use public transport as the only mode of transport daily. I have to use
trams on daily basis every morning to get to work and to come back home. The seats in the tram are arranged in a
way that 2 passengers seats side-by-side facing another 2 passengers opposite.
The proximity of the seating places in the tram affects my energy field
whenever another commuter seats beside me. After a brief 3-5 minutes I will get the feeling of
‘uneasiness’ or ‘agreeability’ to the other person’s energy field. Similarly I
have realized that my close friends whom I come into contact everyday exhibit
similar patterns of energy field either ‘agreeing’ or ‘disagreeing’ with mine. Interestingly,
I came across a wide variety of energy field with different people at different
time. The intensity of the energy field differs according to individual and
from my observation according to their state of mind. If they are restless or
anxious, I could feel more intensely their energy field. However the pattern
and intensity of energy field of a particular person that comes into contact with
me are the same most of the time with very little variations.
I have learned the cleansing method from my ‘Guru’/ ‘Master’ back in 2001 in
which I have been practicing daily. My ‘Master’ mentioned that on daily basis
we are constantly exposed to various form of energies in which he divided it into
positive and negative energies.
Thus, it is important to cleanse our physical body on daily basis,
preferably before sleep to get rid off the negative energy. It is a simple
exercise involving auto- suggestion of our mind that we are getting rid of all
the negative/evil/bad energy from our body and at the same time rubbing our
whole body with hands (palms). While this exercise is being performed, we need
to imagine the negative thoughts/energies are flowing from our body into a
water-contained pot. Traditionally every Indian household has as a ‘milk pot’,
which is being used to carry milk during religious procession. Alternatively
any containers may be used a replacement for the milk pot. Once done, the water
needs to be discarded carefully on moving water (river).