Thursday, 2 May 2013

Inner voice

It has been a month since the last time I wrote in the blog. I have been busy somehow rather till I can’t sit down and write. Even if I had the time, the feeling was not right. What I intended to write tends to come from the mind rather than my inner voice. Anything that comes from the mind belongs to the past. Anything that comes from the mind belongs to the reaction of my body with that impression made at that time. Anything that comes from the mind is an individual consciousness. Anything that comes from the mind is not divine but the reflection of self. Anything that comes from the mind is the glorified self-ego.  Anything that comes from the mind is an organized truth. Anything that comes from the mind is cultured truth. Anything that comes from mind is civilized truth. Anything that comes from the mind is hypothetical truth. Anything that comes from the mind is hypocritical truth. Anything that comes from the mind is borrowed truth. Anything that comes from the mind is transitory truth. Anything that comes from the mind is everything but not possibly the truth.
            So, I have to be very careful before I write. If it comes from the mind, it is as worthless as the mind itself. If it comes from the mind, it is as ordinary as the mind itself. It has to come from the deep inner voice. For the deep inner voice to function, the mind must stop functioning. As long as the mind functions, there is no possibility for the inner voice to sprout. As long as the mind functions, the birth of the inner voice is not possible. It is such a paradox. The death of the mind gives rise to the birth of the inner voice. And the tricky part is the death of the mind must be witnessed to let the inner voice to speak. Every night the mind goes to the ‘death mode’ in deep sleep, but why the inner voice is not felt? Obviously it is not possible in deep sleep as the consciousness is there but the ‘I’ is not there to witness the death of the mind and the birth of the inner voice.  Both the mind and the inner voice can’t possibly exist together. In wake state, the mind takes over the inner voice. In deep sleep, the inner voice takes over the mind. The only way to realize the inner voice is to observe the mind. It is only possible to realize the inner voice by bringing the mind to the state of deep sleep without actually sleeping. That is Meditation.
            These are the reasons that prevented me from writing as I realized it is not coming from the deep inner voice. Sometimes, the mind will trick you by pretending to be the inner voice. This is the most dangerous state. Mind can play many wonders in convincing you that you have achieved the goal. It is so convincing that you will be really thinking it is the inner voice. It is so convincing that you will be really thinking this the truth that you have been searching all the while. It is so convincing that you will be really thinking that you have achieved HIM. It is the greatest trap. It is like a web. The more you untangle, the deeper you will be caught. It is the greatest hindrance for spiritual progression. These obstacles must be crossed too. Aum Sadguru.

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