Thursday, 14 March 2013

Communication via vibration not language

I have been living in Australia for almost 7 months now. Before I left, one of my senior colleagues advised me to learn about Western mannerism. She said it’s important for me to wish ‘good morning’ and say ‘thank you’. It’s not that I do not wish to say that proper words but being born in a family whom English is not the first language makes it harder. Once I landed here, I was exposed to more mannerism, namely; ‘how’s going mate, sorry, excuse me, no worries and the repetition of wishing good day depends on the time of the day.  In many occasions, my supervisor has said good and excellent to me till I was confused whether my work is really good or is it part of the mannerism.
            I feel one should say something if only she/he really meant it rather than utter the word or phrases mechanically. So much so, the utterance of the words has become a routine and part of the conversation. In an extreme way, it has become like a spinal reflex. The so-called learned words/phrases that comes out automatically from one’s mouth even bypasses cerebral cortex. In medical term spinal reflex is designated term for one’s action that does not need the brain but can be processed at spine level. In a simplistic way, you no need to use your brain to tell that words/phrases, as you are so accustomed to it. Practical analog is running away from a chasing dog. We don’t think to run or not when we encounter a dog but we will just run when a dog starts to chase us.
            I feel the utterance of these words/phrases has no meaning whatsoever. It has become a very artificial way of living. Living with pre-meditated, designated words/phrases without actually conveying the message sincerely is meaningless.  A lot of times we don’t mean what we say. The verbal faculty and the thought process functions in an asynchronous way. The mind is thinking about something but the mouth is uttering something else.
            Whether we like it or not, language has became the only way of communication. We have forgotten other methods of communications or maybe we are not observant enough. Language is needed to communicate but it is not the only way to communicate. A mother can feel the love of a baby without any language.  Couples in love can feel each other’s love without using language. They can sit and stare at each for hours without the need of language.  In prayers, we can feel God without the need of language. We can communicate with God without language.
            It is a very complex process in processing and understanding language. The thought forms as what to say in the mind, the language centre forms the word, sends the signal to mouth and words are uttered. The understanding of uttered words needs the ear as a receiver, to capture the waveform and finally the signal interpreted in language centre.
            Another form of communication that has not given equal attention deliberately or ignorantly would be the sense of aura or vibration. Each one of us has a unique aura or body vibration. The vibration will change according to the mood, emotion and other physiological changes of the body. Microscopically, all the molecules are constantly vibrating. The molecules are not motionless. We have learned about this in our chemistry class. Now imagine, the number of molecules in our whole body that are more than thousands of trillions in number. Imagine the thousands of trillions of molecules constantly vibrating and the force or net energy it may produce. But why we are not tuned to sense this vibration or energy. We have not developed a special sense to detect this vibration/aura or energy. From my personal experience, I have written before in of the article regarding the electromagnetic field. I would like to emphasis here that the aura/ vibration energy that I am taking about has a scientific explanation as I have elaborated above. It is not the imagination of the writer. I have been experience it day and night 24 hours a day. Being a doctor and a practicing neurologist myself, I am not sure why this part of ancient science is of no interest in western medicine. This aura/ vibration energy can be used to cure others through the power of touch. Similar like telepathy that uses the power of prayers through mind. Most eastern scriptures have described the same energy that I have been talking about, ‘prana’ in vedantic philosophy (Hinduism), ‘Qi’ in traditional Chinese culture, ‘lung’ in Tibetan Buddhism and ‘mana’ in Hawaiian culture.
            This energy is the life force or the energy flow in our body. Any disharmony in this form of energy is the cause of the diseases. The writer has personally felt different level of energy in patients with various forms of diseases. I have been experiencing daily with my patients various energy forms which different form of intensity. Those patients with severe, chronic diseases and psychiatric conditions have a very strong ‘negative energy’ as their aura and on the other hand, milder diseases has minimal ‘negative energy’.  The readers are advised to refer to my previous posting on ‘electromagnetic field’. It is my personal opinion that most often medical practitioners (including me) are treating the end of spectrum of diseases. Not much effort is being done on prevention. The disharmony of the energy field has been re-accumulated for so many numbers of years and by the time the disease is manifested, most often it is too late or the treatment is not effective. If each and every individual could realize the energy flow in the body, there is a possibility of harmonization, hence prevention of many dreadful diseases by God willing. Aum sadguru. 

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