Wednesday, 27 March 2013

Time and Space

Today I am going to analyze how the thoughts are formed in our mind and subsequently have impact on the law of Karma. I have described in earlier postings regarding thoughts as an energy form. Thought can be described as any mental activity of being conscious of something. The thoughts that are formed in the brain are either about the past or future. It is not possible for the thoughts to come for the present state. Why is that so? Let us imagine of a thought; “the ring reminds me of my grandmother”. In this case the thinker is thinking in the present moment after his eyes captures the ring but the thoughts brought him to the past in which he needs to recall about his grandmother. In this instance, the thought comes from the past. How about another sentence relating to non-human objects; “the flowers are so beautiful”. In this case the thinker is looking at the bunch of flowers at the present moment and describing his feelings of how beautiful the flowers are. Could we say that the thoughts are in the present moment? Describing a feeling or expression such as ‘beautiful’ in this context comes from the past as the thinker’s brain has stored the memory of the word beautiful and the thinker needs to recall the word to describe the flowers.
            In short, in any mental activities such as interpreting, evaluating, imagining, planning or remembering, it comes from the past. On the other hand, thinking about future still brings past, as the past is the only set of events that has been stored in the thinker’s brain.  It is not possible to think at the present moment. Even if you think of a present moment, as it is happening now, by the time the action potentials take to propagate via neurons it is bound to temporal effect. There are certain time measurements taken for the action potential to propagate via neuron for the electro-chemical signaling to take place. Recently, American neurophysiologist, Benjamin Libet found that the brain begins initiating a voluntary act “about 400msec” before the appearance of the conscious will to act. In other words, apparently conscious decisions to act were preceded by an unconscious build-up of electrical charge within the brain. So, it is scientifically proven that before the actual thought and action is performed, unconscious buildup of electrical activity in neural cells occurs 400msec earlier.  In conclusion, time as a dimension involves apart from the existing space in three dimensions (length, width, height) in the formation of thoughts in the neural cells.
            From a Euclidean space perspective, the universe has 3 dimensions of space and one of time. Scientist proposed two different theories to describe time; tensed theory of time (A-theory of time) and tenseless theory of time (B-theory of time). In the tensed theory of time, time is described as something that flows as the present moves away from the past and towards the future. In tenseless theory of time, time is something, which is static, the past is just as real as the future and our experience of the present is an illusion.
            I believe in this physical plane, we only can agree with the A-theory of time in which events are ordered by way of the non-relational singular predicates “is past”, “is present”, and “is future”.  Although quantum mechanics provides compelling support for B-theory of time, is not possible for us in this physical plane to realize it. However, there is a possibility to realize the B-theory of time in higher energy state when the number of time dimension > 1.  I will elaborate further on this.
            According to ‘Einstein's theories of relativity’, he stated specifically that the tensed theory of time is incorrect. Special relativity states that two observers who are moving relative to each other must both measure the speed of light to be the same. This means that either of the two properties that movement relies upon, space or time, must differ between the observers. The first consequence of this is known as the relativity of simultaneity. This shows that the concept of the present is relative because events, which appear simultaneous in one reference frame, may not do so in another.
Einstein described his theory of general relativity as taking "away from space and time the last remnant of physical objectivity". This is because a number of different coordinate systems can be used to map the universe, all giving the same results. There is no way to know which system is 'correct' and so there is no absolute system, or "prior geometry" to the universe.
According to Einstein's theories of relativity, space and time cannot exist independently and so are best thoughts of as a single entity known as spacetime. Since there can be no time without space, there is no such thing as time outside of the universe and therefore nothing to measure the flow of time against. If there is no such thing as the flow of time then all times are equally real and the universe can be thought of as a complete and unchanging 'block' of four dimensional spacetime.
I believe it is only natural for us to think that time flows from the past to the future due to the human brain’s ability to remember only the past.  In this way we understand how the cause and effect works. Our brain cannot store the future at the present moment. Our brain is continuously storing information at any given present moment. However, we perceive time with the brain that has stored only the past. Due to the inherent quality of brain, which is only capable of storing the past, the future unfolds into present and becoming the past. If brain is not the point of reference, the past is just as real as the future and our experience of the present is an illusion.
            Let us analyze the same scenario in different angle. An act of observation involves an observer observing an object (mug). In the process of observation, the thinker or the observer observing and object, which is the mug and the act of observation leaves an imprint on the observer.  As long as the observer is present and performing the act of observation an imprint or impression will be stored in the observer’s brain. This act of observation between the observer and the object is the cause of flow of time. If there is no act of observation, there is no flow of time. The object is there. The observer has nothing to observe because the act of observation is not taking place. So the time becomes static. There is no past, future or present. There is only static time. This is the only way the subject is not subjected to time dimension and it is the only possible way to escape from the spacetime in this universe. The act of observation is what we need to avoid and the only way is ‘thoughtlessness stage’.  
I believe as long as the time dimension is involved in the process of thought generation, we will be subjected to the law of “karma”.  We will be bounded by the physical law, which governs the universe in terms of time and space. We will be subjected to the law of cause and effect. It is not possible to change the 3 dimensional spaces that our physical body resides but it is possible for us to control the thoughts that are related temporally.  

Tuesday, 26 March 2013

Thought is Energy

In one of the previous article, I have written about thoughtlessness stage. Here I would like to elaborate more on the scientific reason on how this stage would bring on ‘self-realization’.  As we are aware and it is scientifically proven that every thought is a form of energy.  
There are average 100 billion neurons or nerve cells in human brain. Each neuron connected up to 10,000 other neurons passing signals via 1,000 trillion synaptic connections. Information transmission between neurons takes place using a combination of chemicals and electricity, a process known as electro-chemical signaling. Every neuron maintains a voltage gradient across its membrane, due to metabolically driven differences in ions of sodium, potassium, chloride and calcium within the cell. Action potential is generated if the voltage changes significantly and can be measured as a waveform in electroencephalogram (EEG) recordings.
As described the physiological process in generating a thought is a complex process but fundamentally involves electro-chemical signaling. Each thought generated needed a substantial amount of energy. Given a point of time, there are certain numbers of thoughts running in our mind. In terms of energy, there are certain amounts of energy needed in the generation of equivocal number of thoughts. No study has been done to date regarding the number of thoughts generated by human brain in any given seconds. If we search in the net, Wiki answers estimates 70,000 thoughts in a day. That is equivalent of 72 thoughts per minute if we take into account 6-8 hours of sleep. But we still have thoughts in rapid eye movement (REM) or stage 1 sleep. We may have thoughts running even during deep sleep/NREM stage or stage 2-3 but at a lower level which we aren’t sure. 
            In short, there is so much of energy required to generate that many number of thoughts on a daily basis. Although no doubt, we need to use the faculty of thinking to live and function but do we actually realize how many number of thoughts generated without actual significance. In other words, that many thoughts, which are generated consciously and sub-consciously, are of no practical significance. The thoughts are not being translated into actions. The thought come and goes as clouds. The purposeless thoughts that appear during daydreaming have no significant value.  There are many purposeless thoughts that come as a reaction to certain emotions of ours or as a reaction to environmental stimulus or during complex interaction with another human beings. Most of the purposeless thoughts could be avoided consciously by the various methods that I have described in my earlier postings.
So scientifically, there is a possible explanation for conservation of energy through reducing the number of thoughts though absolute state of thoughtlessness is not impossible. By reducing the number of thoughts, so much of energy could be conserved in our brain. But how this energy conservation is going to help in self- realization? To be continued...

Thursday, 14 March 2013

Communication via vibration not language

I have been living in Australia for almost 7 months now. Before I left, one of my senior colleagues advised me to learn about Western mannerism. She said it’s important for me to wish ‘good morning’ and say ‘thank you’. It’s not that I do not wish to say that proper words but being born in a family whom English is not the first language makes it harder. Once I landed here, I was exposed to more mannerism, namely; ‘how’s going mate, sorry, excuse me, no worries and the repetition of wishing good day depends on the time of the day.  In many occasions, my supervisor has said good and excellent to me till I was confused whether my work is really good or is it part of the mannerism.
            I feel one should say something if only she/he really meant it rather than utter the word or phrases mechanically. So much so, the utterance of the words has become a routine and part of the conversation. In an extreme way, it has become like a spinal reflex. The so-called learned words/phrases that comes out automatically from one’s mouth even bypasses cerebral cortex. In medical term spinal reflex is designated term for one’s action that does not need the brain but can be processed at spine level. In a simplistic way, you no need to use your brain to tell that words/phrases, as you are so accustomed to it. Practical analog is running away from a chasing dog. We don’t think to run or not when we encounter a dog but we will just run when a dog starts to chase us.
            I feel the utterance of these words/phrases has no meaning whatsoever. It has become a very artificial way of living. Living with pre-meditated, designated words/phrases without actually conveying the message sincerely is meaningless.  A lot of times we don’t mean what we say. The verbal faculty and the thought process functions in an asynchronous way. The mind is thinking about something but the mouth is uttering something else.
            Whether we like it or not, language has became the only way of communication. We have forgotten other methods of communications or maybe we are not observant enough. Language is needed to communicate but it is not the only way to communicate. A mother can feel the love of a baby without any language.  Couples in love can feel each other’s love without using language. They can sit and stare at each for hours without the need of language.  In prayers, we can feel God without the need of language. We can communicate with God without language.
            It is a very complex process in processing and understanding language. The thought forms as what to say in the mind, the language centre forms the word, sends the signal to mouth and words are uttered. The understanding of uttered words needs the ear as a receiver, to capture the waveform and finally the signal interpreted in language centre.
            Another form of communication that has not given equal attention deliberately or ignorantly would be the sense of aura or vibration. Each one of us has a unique aura or body vibration. The vibration will change according to the mood, emotion and other physiological changes of the body. Microscopically, all the molecules are constantly vibrating. The molecules are not motionless. We have learned about this in our chemistry class. Now imagine, the number of molecules in our whole body that are more than thousands of trillions in number. Imagine the thousands of trillions of molecules constantly vibrating and the force or net energy it may produce. But why we are not tuned to sense this vibration or energy. We have not developed a special sense to detect this vibration/aura or energy. From my personal experience, I have written before in of the article regarding the electromagnetic field. I would like to emphasis here that the aura/ vibration energy that I am taking about has a scientific explanation as I have elaborated above. It is not the imagination of the writer. I have been experience it day and night 24 hours a day. Being a doctor and a practicing neurologist myself, I am not sure why this part of ancient science is of no interest in western medicine. This aura/ vibration energy can be used to cure others through the power of touch. Similar like telepathy that uses the power of prayers through mind. Most eastern scriptures have described the same energy that I have been talking about, ‘prana’ in vedantic philosophy (Hinduism), ‘Qi’ in traditional Chinese culture, ‘lung’ in Tibetan Buddhism and ‘mana’ in Hawaiian culture.
            This energy is the life force or the energy flow in our body. Any disharmony in this form of energy is the cause of the diseases. The writer has personally felt different level of energy in patients with various forms of diseases. I have been experiencing daily with my patients various energy forms which different form of intensity. Those patients with severe, chronic diseases and psychiatric conditions have a very strong ‘negative energy’ as their aura and on the other hand, milder diseases has minimal ‘negative energy’.  The readers are advised to refer to my previous posting on ‘electromagnetic field’. It is my personal opinion that most often medical practitioners (including me) are treating the end of spectrum of diseases. Not much effort is being done on prevention. The disharmony of the energy field has been re-accumulated for so many numbers of years and by the time the disease is manifested, most often it is too late or the treatment is not effective. If each and every individual could realize the energy flow in the body, there is a possibility of harmonization, hence prevention of many dreadful diseases by God willing. Aum sadguru. 

Tuesday, 12 March 2013

The Law of Karma

It has been almost a month now since I wrote in my blog. I had a severe toothache due to impacted wisdom tooth, which needed an extraction 1 month ago. I experienced the worse pain in my life till literally I ‘forgot’ about anything else. I encountered many sleepless night, thanks to the dentist who pull out 3cm of bone together with my wisdom tooth. 
            Somehow or rather, I experienced the law of karma or ‘cause and effect’ within short duration. Let me elaborate. On 15th Jan 2013, my wife and children left Australia to Malaysia.  I have to find a new place (room) to stay as I had few unpleasant encounters with the tenant whom I was sharing the flat. I could not agree with the final settlement of the bond with her in which on the final day of my stay there a heated arguments resulted. Finally, they gave in after exchange of few harsh words between us.  The second incident occurred 2 weeks later. I yelled at the customer service staff of one of the telecommunication company, as we were overcharged regarding the broadband usage for more than 2 months. During that 2 months duration, my family was staying with me in Australia and my wife verbally informed that particular service provider regarding the cancellation of the broadband before she left Malaysia. In both occasion, I exchanged harsh words, embarrassed the other person with the unpleasant words. As a consequence of it, I suffered for almost 1 week with severe toothache and 10 days after removal of the impacted wisdom tooth.
            Similar ‘cause and effect’ events have been taken place in my life many times before. I don’t have to wait for the ‘final judgment’ day, as I will reap the fruit of my ‘action’ the moment it is sowed.  The law of ‘karma’ really works for me instantly. Even the negative thought we sow minus the actual action will results in negative effect. This is so true for me. Even though I have not done any actual harm but the thought itself will cause a chain reaction of bad effect.
            In a simplistic way, we have grown up to divide all actions in life into two, good vs. bad. From childhood, my parents’ will categorized every action of mine into above. Don’t do this, its bad. Do this, its good. The so-called bad and good has deeply imprinted in my brain cells. Every action of others, and mine I will judge as bad or good. Sometimes, I will justify into very bad, bad, good and very good. Still it falls in either category except the severity varies. The dichotomization of every action into these two categories has resulted me to look at things in a very divided, narrow way. In medical terms, there is a word called ‘tunnel vision’ which means loss of peripheral vision and retention of central vision. The sufferer would only see the centre of the image rather than the actual picture. In the similar manner, I had ‘tunnel vision’ for so many years by dichotomizing every action of others and mine into good and bad.
            Recently I’ve realized, every action are just action. The good and bad action only comes when we attached value to it. The good and bad action only comes when we attached judgment to it. The good and bad action only comes when we attached our past memory into it. The good and bad action only comes when we attached our mind into it. Leave the value, judgment and the past, only action remains. Bad and good disappears with the value and judgment.
            Now this is bad news for the good-doers. This is bad news for the orthodox preachers. This is bad news for the priest. Their whole life has been wasted doing good actions. Now when I say, there are no bad and good deeds, there are only action, everybody will be upset. They want to be praised when good deeds were done. They want to be praised when bad actions are avoided. When the ‘ego’ can’t be strengthened by the praises, it hurts. The ‘ego’ will get hurt tremendously.
            I went for many pilgrimage trips to India before with my parents. My mother always has the habit to donate money to the beggars queuing up outside each and every temple we visited. There were many occasions, she was not happy with my attitude of not donating money to them. I told her, I will only donate the day my ‘ego’ is not strengthen with my actions. I will only donate, the day I feel donating is just an action. I will only donate if by donating, I don’t have a single thought that I have done good. I will only donate if by donating, I don’t have the ‘nice’ feeling that I have done something good. If the intention of the act of donating is doing a favor to the beggar, I won’t donate. If the intention of the act of donating is accumulating good karma’s, I won’t donate. It is easier to donate than getting rid of the ‘good-feeling’ after we have donated. We can go on donating in whole life and accumulating more and more ‘good-feeling’ that by itself will be a burden. The only way to be free from this cycle of good and bad is to break the cycle of cause and effect. See all actions as just actions. Stop giving values to the actions. Stop judging actions. Stop attaching the fickle mind to each and every action. Aum sadguru.